The following is a guest post by Illumanaticatblog. The views in this article do not necessarily reflect those of pumpkin person


The criteria for iq is arbitrary. decisions or what you do with information is extremely important not just how much you have. that is why the brain builds models of things and performed operations on them to get results. iq tests only show superficial results. different people have different operation sets. what we learn influences them.

adapt and turn to your advantage is not iq test measurable. there are so many things to adapt to the tests are limited in scope.

So intelligence is performing operations on a model of something. This is precisely how goals are planned and achieved. But it also means one preference of goals decides if one is high or low based on execution. A hard goal can only be done by a high intelligence person. The number or range of goals achievable, easy and hard is IQ.


IQ 100
Goal: Become famous

Mordecai the blue jay, and Rigby the raccoon

IQ 105
Goal: deliver lunch

Morty and Summer

IQ 110
Goal: finish school

Catra and Adora

IQ 115
Goal: save their friendship


IQ 120
Goal: save new york city

Optimus Prime

IQ 125
Goal: save earth from the Decepticons

Matt Stone and Trey Parker

IQ 130
Goal: write a popular tv show

Twilight Sparkle

IQ 135
Goal: use friendship to save Equestria


IQ 140
Goal: keep her marriage and family together

Oprah Winfrey

IQ 145
Goal: run a media empire

Hell Boy

IQ 150
Goal: fight the forces of darkness


IQ 155
Goal: population control

Jeff Bezos

IQ 160
Goal: run a planetary delivery system

Professor Xavier

IQ 165
Goal: prevent a war between humans and mutants

Issac Asimov

IQ 170
Goal: use math to predict the future of human civilization

Rick Sanchez

IQ 175
Goal: save his daughter with the portal gun

Uber Morlock

IQ 180
Goal: survive the moon crash

Ray Kurzweil

IQ 185
create superintelligence

Stephen Wolfram

IQ 190
Goal: solve physics

Horde Prime

IQ 195
Goal: rule the universe

Dr. Alexander Hartdegen

IQ 200
Goal: reverse time to prevent the death of his lover