As part of my research for an imminent article on commenter Bruno’s IQ, I decided to try to norm brief little test he took which was posted by commenter Mug of Pee.  The test requires you to correctly perceive what’s in each of the following images.  Unfortunately the test was too easy to say much about someone as brilliant as Bruno but most people find it challenging , so try it on yourself for fun before looking at the answers and scoring which are located way below the four images:

Item 1


Item 2


Item 3


Item 4



Scroll down if you are ready to see answers














Item 1:  If you correctly identified this as a giraffe, you get 1 point.  If you identified it as some other striped or spotted mammal like a cheetah, a leopard (including panther), or a zebra, you get 0.5 points.  Preliminary research shows that somewhere between 93% to 100% of white adults can get at least half-credit on this item, and 86% can get full credit.

Item 2: If you correctly identified this as a dog, you get 1 point.   If you identified it as some other four legged mammal like a pig, you get 0.5 points. Preliminary research shows that 36% of white adults can get at least half-credit on this item, and 29% can get full credit.

Item 3: If you correctly identified this as a man on a horse, you get 1 point.  If you could only see a horse but not the man on it, you get 0.5 points.  Preliminary research shows that 29% of white adults can at least get half-credit while only 14% can get full credit. No credit for seeing a man but not a horse.

Item 4: If you correctly identified this as Jesus, you get 1 point.  If you could only identify it as a human face, without know who’s, you get 0.5 points.  Preliminary research suggests that 21% of white adults can at least get half-credit, while only 14% can get full credit.

Note: Give credit if you could see a credited answer, even if you also saw a few wrong answers, and weren’t sure which was correct

Total raw score: Sum of partial and full credits on all 4 items.

Maximum raw score: 4 points


My stats for this test are based on the fact that earlier this month, I tried this test on a relatively random sample of 14 white adults in different parts of Ontario.

Their scores out of 4 listed from highest to lowest were: 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2.5, 2, 2, 1.5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5.  The mean was 1.64 and the population standard deviation was 0.95.  Using the mean and SD, any raw score can be converted to a Z score and Z scores can be converted to IQ equivalents by multiplying the Z score by 15 and adding 100, but don’t take the results too seriously because this test is way too short and simplistic to be meaningful and I’m not a professional.

But for entertainment purposes only, here are what the IQ equivalents would be:

Raw score 0 = IQ 74 or lower (borderline mental retardation)

Raw score 0.5 = IQ 82 (Dull)

Raw score 1 = IQ 90

Raw score 1.5 = IQ  98 (Average)

Raw score 2 = IQ 106

Raw score 2.5 = IQ 114 (Bright)

Raw score 3 = IQ 121 (Borderline Genius)

Raw score 3.5 = IQ 129

Raw score 4 = IQ 137+ (Mild Genius)