The single best study of U.S. race and brain size ever done was by Ho et al (1980). They found that at age 25, the average sex-combined brain weight of white Americans (at autopsy) was 1455 g and the average brain weight of black Americans was 1333 g. I suspect the brain weights of both races have since increased thanks to the nutrition that causes the Flynn effect (Lynn 1990)(Figure taken from Jensen (1988), though even in 1980, the white male brain weight at 25 was absolutely colossal:

Unfortunately Ho et al only reported standard deviations for the entire sample and not specific ones for different age groups. However a study of South African black brain weights found that at age 21 to 30, the SD is 122 g for men and 103 g for women for a within sex average of 113 g (Govender et al, 2018)

If we assume a similar SD within U.S. races, then the sex combined age 25 black-white brain weight gap gives a within sex brain weight gap of 1.08 SD which is identical to the 1 SD black-white IQ gap observed since WWI.

Of course that’s not to say that the black-white IQ gap is entirely caused by the black-white brain size gap. The correlation between brain size and IQ is “only” about 0.4 (Jensen 1998)(Gignac & Bates, 2017) so only about 40% of the gap might be caused by brain size and that’s assuming the correlation is entirely causal.

However individual level correlations can more than double at the group level because individual sources of error cancel out. For example, Rushton (2009) found brain size correlated 0.91 with IQ across 10 population groups.